Chapter 10. Monitoring & Statistics

This chapter will cover monitoring and statistics. While monitoring and statistics can be interpreted differently based on how they are used, they are similar in that they both use numbers to describe the system.

The most important feature is that it updates in real time. It is important to be able to view real-time status updates, and even a five-minute delay is too long. It is also important to know if the many policies are taking effect when they are applied. All statistics are collected every second.

Statistics are collected for each virtual host and are provided in real time (every second), with an average being provided every five minutes. The results are provided in JSON and XML formats for the users to analyze and process the results easily.[JSON or XML][JSON or XML]
  • realtime Displays the service status from one second ago.
  • average Displays the average of five minutes of statistics.

Data Range

The range of data to be collected can be configured.

# server.xml - <Server><VHostDefault>
# vhosts.xml - <Vhosts><Vhost>

  • <DirDepth> (default: 0)

    Collects statistics for each directory. If set to zero, statistics will be collected in the root (/) directory. If set to one, statistics will be collected in directories one level down.


    Though there is no limit to the value that can be set, collecting statistics for too many directories can cause memory problems.

  • <DirDepthAccum>

    Configures whether or not to accumulate statistics in the parent directory when collecting the statistics for each directory. If <DirDepth> is set to zero, this setting is ignored.

    • OFF (default) Statistics are not accumulated in the parent directory.
    • ON Statistics are accumulated in the parent directory.

    For example, let’s assume that <DirDepth> is set to two and all directories have ten lines of traffic. If <DirDepthAccum> is set to OFF, then statistics will be collected in each directory where traffic occurs, as shown in the left diagram. If set to ON, statistics from lower directories are accumulated in parent directories, as shown in the right diagram.


    Accumulated statistics in the parent directory.

    In this example, the sum of the traffic in the /img directory and its subdirectories is 30, which is accumulated into the parent directory.

  • <HttpsTraffic>
    • OFF (default) HTTPS traffic is only collected in SSL statistics.
    • ON HTTPS traffic is collected into both SSL and HTTP statistics.

    Generally, traffic that passes through the SSL layer is stored separately as SSL statistics. However, HTTPS will be processed as HTTP in upper protocols, so more detailed statistics can be collected. Because SSL and HTTP statistics can overlap, it is recommended to only trust HTTP statistics.

  • <ClientLocal>

    The traffic between the Loopback client and STON can be included in statistics.

    • OFF (default) Will not be included.
    • ON Will be included.
  • <OriginLocal>

    The traffic between STON and the Loopback origin server will be included.

    • OFF (default) Will not be included.
    • ON Will be included.

Host Aggregate Statistics

Host statistics are the aggregate statistics of all the virtual hosts that run on the lowest level. The statistics can be provided in JSON and XML formats.

{                                            <Host
  "Host":                                      Version="2.0.0"
  {                                            Name="localhost"
    "Version":"2.0.0",                         State="Healthy"
    "Name":"localhost",                        Uptime="155986"
    "State":"Healthy",                         OriginSession="32"
    "Uptime":155996,                           OriginActiveSession="20"
    "OriginSession":33,                        OriginInbound="1140741"
    "OriginActiveSession":20,                  OriginOutbound="10059"
    "OriginInbound":688177,                    OriginReqCount="42"
    "OriginOutbound":14184,                    OriginResTotalCount="42"
    "OriginReqCount":62,                       OriginResTotalTimeRes="5071"
    "OriginResTotalCount":62,                  OriginResTotalTimeComplete="10288"
    "OriginResTotalTimeRes":2375,              OriginRes2xxCount="19"
    "OriginResTotalTimeComplete":2509,         OriginRes2xxTimeRes="9989"
    "OriginRes2xxCount":54,                    OriginRes2xxTimeComplete="21521"
    "OriginRes2xxTimeRes":2327,                OriginRes3xxCount="23"
    "OriginRes2xxTimeComplete":2481,           OriginRes3xxTimeRes="1008"
    "OriginRes3xxCount":8,                     OriginRes3xxTimeComplete="1008"
    "OriginRes3xxTimeRes":2700,                OriginRes4xxCount="0"
    "OriginRes3xxTimeComplete":2700,           OriginRes4xxTimeRes="0"
    "OriginRes4xxCount":0,                     OriginRes4xxTimeComplete="0"
    "OriginRes4xxTimeRes":0,                   OriginRes5xxCount="0"
    "OriginRes4xxTimeComplete":0,              OriginRes5xxTimeRes="0"
    "OriginRes5xxCount":0,                     OriginRes5xxTimeComplete="0"
    "OriginRes5xxTimeRes":0,                   ClientSession="165"
    "OriginRes5xxTimeComplete":0,              ClientActiveSession="80"
    "ClientSession":155,                       ClientInbound="14792"
    "ClientActiveSession":80                   ClientOutbound="1981700"
    "ClientInbound":35748,                     ClientReqCount="64"
    "ClientOutbound":972906,                   ClientResTotalCount="64"
    "ClientReqCount":152,                      ClientResTotalTimeRes="5535"
    "ClientResTotalCount":152,                 ClientResTotalTimeComplete="6840"
    "ClientResTotalTimeRes":1411,              ClientRes2xxCount="44"
    "ClientResTotalTimeComplete":1479,         ClientRes2xxTimeRes="8050"
    "ClientRes2xxCount":93,                    ClientRes2xxTimeComplete="9943"
    "ClientRes2xxTimeRes":2305,                ClientRes3xxCount="20"
    "ClientRes2xxTimeComplete":2409,           ClientRes3xxTimeRes="5"
    "ClientRes3xxCount":59,                    ClientRes3xxTimeComplete="15"
    "ClientRes3xxTimeRes":3,                   ClientRes4xxCount="0"
    "ClientRes3xxTimeComplete":13,             ClientRes4xxTimeRes="0"
    "ClientRes4xxCount":0,                     ClientRes4xxTimeComplete="0"
    "ClientRes4xxTimeRes":0,                   ClientRes5xxCount="0"
    "ClientRes4xxTimeComplete":0,              ClientRes5xxTimeRes="0"
    "ClientRes5xxCount":0,                     ClientRes5xxTimeComplete="0"
    "ClientRes5xxTimeRes":0,                   RequestHitRatio="6923"
    "ClientRes5xxTimeComplete":0,              ByteHitRatio="4243">
    "RequestHitRatio":6387,                    <HttpCountSum
    "ByteHitRatio":2926,                         OriginReqCount="0"
    "HttpCountSum" :                             OriginResTotalCount="0"
    {                                            OriginRes2xxCount="0"
      "OriginReqCount" : 0,                      OriginRes3xxCount="0"
      "OriginResTotalCount" : 0,                 OriginRes4xxCount="0"
      "OriginRes2xxCount" : 0,                   OriginRes5xxCount="0"
      "OriginRes3xxCount" : 0,                   ClientReqCount="0"
      "OriginRes4xxCount" : 0,                   ClientResTotalCount="0"
      "OriginRes5xxCount" : 0,                   ClientRes2xxCount="0"
      "ClientReqCount" : 0,                      ClientRes3xxCount="0"
      "ClientResTotalCount" : 0,                 ClientRes4xxCount="0"
      "ClientRes2xxCount" : 0,                   ClientRes5xxCount="0"/>
      "ClientRes3xxCount" : 0,                 <HttpRequestHitSum
      "ClientRes4xxCount" : 0,                   TCP_NONE="0"
      "ClientRes5xxCount" : 0                    TCP_HIT="0"
    },                                           TCP_IMS_HIT="0"
    "HttpRequestHitSum" :                        TCP_REFRESH_HIT="0"
    {                                            TCP_REF_FAIL_HIT="0"
      "TCP_NONE" : 0,                            TCP_NEGATIVE_HIT="0"
      "TCP_HIT" : 0,                             TCP_REDIRECT_HIT="0"
      "TCP_IMS_HIT" : 0,                         TCP_MISS="0"
      "TCP_REFRESH_HIT" : 0,                     TCP_REFRESH_MISS="0"
      "TCP_REF_FAIL_HIT" : 0,                    TCP_CLIENT_REFRESH_MISS="0"
      "TCP_NEGATIVE_HIT" : 0,                    TCP_DENIED="0"
      "TCP_REDIRECT_HIT" : 0,                    TCP_ERROR="0"/>
      "TCP_MISS" : 0,                          <FileSystem>
      "TCP_REFRESH_MISS" : 0,                    <RequestHitRatio>0</RequestHitRatio>
      "TCP_CLIENT_REFRESH_MISS" : 0,             <ByteHitRatio>0</ByteHitRatio>
      "TCP_DENIED" : 0,                          <Outbound>0</Outbound>
      "TCP_ERROR" : 0                            <Session>0</Session>
    },                                         </FileSystem>
    "FileSystem":                              <System> ... </System>
    {                                          <VirtualHost> ... </VirtualHost>
      "RequestHitRatio":0,                     <VirtualHost> ... </VirtualHost>
      "ByteHitRatio":0,                        <VirtualHost> ... </VirtualHost>
      "Outbound":0,                            <View> ... </View>
      "Session":0                              <View> ... </View>
    },                                       </Host>
    "System":{ ... },
    "VirtualHost": [ ... ]
    "View": [ ... ]
  • Version STON version.

  • Name The host name. If not defined, the system name will be used.

  • State Service status. (Healthy=Normal service, Inactive=Inactive license, Emergency)

  • Uptime (unit: seconds) The service running time.

  • OriginSession The number of origin sessions.

  • OriginActiveSession The number of transmitting origin sessions.

  • OriginInbound (unit: bytes, average) The amount of data received from the origin server.

  • OriginReqCount (average) The amount of requests to the origin server.

  • OriginOutbound (unit: bytes, average) The amount of data transmitted to the origin server.

  • OriginResTotalCount (average) The number of responses from the origin server.

  • OriginResTotalTimeRes (unit: 0.01 ms, average) The origin server response time (from HTTP request to first HTTP response).

  • OriginResTotalTimeComplete (unit: 0.01 ms, average) The origin server HTTP transaction completion time (from HTTP request to HTTP response completion).

  • OriginRes2xxCount (average) The number of 2xx responses from the origin server.

  • OriginRes2xxTimeRes (unit: 0.01 ms, average) The origin server 2xx response time.

  • OriginRes2xxTimeComplete (unit: 0.01 ms, average) The origin server 2xx transaction completion time.

  • OriginRes3xxCount (average) The number of 3xx responses from the origin server.

  • OriginRes3xxTimeRes (unit: 0.01 ms, average) The origin server 3xx response time.

  • OriginRes3xxTimeComplete (unit: 0.01ms, average) The origin server 3xx transaction completion time.

  • OriginRes4xxCount (average) The number of 4xx responses from the origin server.

  • OriginRes4xxTimeRes (unit: 0.01 ms, average) The origin server 4xx response time.

  • OriginRes4xxTimeComplete (unit: 0.01ms, average) The origin server 4xx transaction completion time.

  • OriginRes5xxCount (average) The number of 5xx responses from the origin server.

  • OriginRes5xxTimeRes (unit: 0.01 ms, average) The origin server 5xx response time.

  • OriginRes5xxTimeComplete (unit: 0.01 ms, average) The origin server 5xx transaction completion time.

  • ClientSession The number of client sessions.

  • ClientActiveSession The number of transmitting client sessions.

  • ClientInbound (unit: bytes, average) The amount of inbound data from clients.

  • ClientOutbound (unit: bytes, average) The amount of outbound data to clients.

  • ClientReqCount (average) The number of client requests.

  • ClientResTotalCount (average) The number of client responses.

  • ClientResTotalTimeRes (unit: 0.01 ms, average) The client response time (from HTTP request to first HTTP response).

  • ClientResTotalTimeComplete (unit: 0.01 ms, average) The client HTTP transaction completion time (from HTTP request to HTTP response completion).

  • ClientRes2xxCount (average) The number of 2xx responses from the client.

  • ClientRes2xxTimeRes (unit: 0.01 ms, average) The client 2xx response time.

  • ClientRes2xxTimeComplete (unit: 0.01 ms, average) The client 2xx transaction completion time.

  • ClientRes3xxCount (average) The number of 3xx responses from the client.

  • ClientRes3xxTimeRes (unit: 0.01 ms, average) The client 3xx response time.

  • ClientRes3xxTimeComplete (unit: 0.01 ms, average) The client 3xx transaction completion time.

  • ClientRes4xxCount (average) The number of 4xx responses from the client.

  • ClientRes4xxTimeRes (unit: 0.01 ms, average) The client 4xx response time.

  • ClientRes4xxTimeComplete (unit: 0.01 ms, average) The client 4xx transaction completion time.

  • ClientRes5xxCount (average) The number of 5xx responses from the client.

  • ClientRes5xxTimeRes (unit: 0.01 ms, average) The client 5xx response time.

  • ClientRes5xxTimeComplete (unit: 0.01 ms, average) The client 5xx transaction completion time.

  • RequestHitRatio (unit: 0.01%, average) Hit ratio. If a caching object is created and the corresponding object is initialized, it is considered a hit. On the other hand, if the caching object is missing or the object is not initialized from the origin server, it does not count as a hit. The response code is unrelated to the hit ratio.


    HTTP and File I/O share the virtual host.

    The RequestHitRatio of File I/O accessed via Apache will become 0%. The HTTP server, however, accesses cached files due to File I/O, making the RequestHitRatio 100%. ByteHitRatio is calculated as the ratio of the origin inbound to either HTTP outbound or File I/O outbound.

  • ByteHitRatio (unit: 0.01%, average) The transfer ratio of the origin server to the client.

    (Client Outbound - Origin Server Inbound) / Client Outbound

    If the origin server is much faster or the client session closes quickly, then the total ratio can become a negative value.

  • FileSystem Independent FileSystem statistics that do not count other stat values.

    • RequestHitRatio (unit: 0.01%, average) Hit ratio based on File I/O.
    • ByteHitRatio (unit: 0.01%, average) Transfer ratio of origin server to File I/O.
    • Outbound (unit: bytes, average) Size of data that goes through File I/O.
    • Session (average) The number of threads in the File I/O process.


These statistics are only provided in five-minute increments.

  • HttpCountSum The total number of HTTP transactions.
  • HttpRequestHitSum The cache hit results.

System Statistics

The statistics of the system and global resources can be provided in JSON and XML formats.

"System":                                   <System>
{                                             <CPU
  "CPU":                                          Kernel="689"
  {                                               User="1316"
    "Kernel":689,                                 Idle="7993"
    "User":1316,                                  ProcKernel="570"
    "Idle":7993,                                  ProcUser="1216"
    "ProcKernel":570,                             Nice="0"
    "ProcUser":1216,                              IOWait="52"
    "Nice":0,                                     IRQ="10"
    "IOWait":52,                                  SoftIRQ="12"
    "IRQ":10,                                     Steal="0" />
    "SoftIRQ":12,                             <Mem Free="5914644" STON="9785800"/>
    "Steal":0                                 <Storage>
  },                                            <Disk
  "Mem":                                            Path="/cache1"
  {                                                 Status="Normal"
    "Free":5914644,                                 Read="23"
    "STON":9785800                                  ReadMerged="0"
  },                                                ReadSectors="344"
  "Storage":                                        ReadTime="117"
  {                                                 Write="24"
    "Disk":                                         WriteMerged="93"
    [                                               WriteSectors="936"
      {                                             WriteTime="256"
        "Path":"/cache1",                           IOProgress="0"
        "Status":"Normal",                          IOTime="173"
        "Read":23,                                  IOWeightedTime="373"/>
        "ReadMerged":0,                         <Disk
        "ReadSectors":344,                          Path="/cache2"
        "ReadTime":117,                             Status="Normal"
        "Write":24,                                 Read="27"
        "WriteMerged":93,                           ReadMerged="1"
        "WriteSectors":936,                         ReadSectors="488"
        "WriteTime":256,                            ReadTime="144"
        "IOProgress":0,                             Write="24"
        "IOTime":173,                               WriteMerged="86"
        "IOWeightedTime":373                        WriteSectors="880"
      },                                            WriteTime="254"
      {                                             IOProgress="0"
        "Path":"/cache2",                           IOTime="189"
        "Status":"Normal",                          IOWeightedTime="380"/>
        "Read":27,                            </Storage>
        "ReadMerged":1,                       <ServerSocket
        "ReadSectors":488,                          Total="42"
        "ReadTime":144,                             Established="2"
        "Write":24,                                 Accepted="1"
        "WriteMerged":86,                           Closed="0"/>
        "WriteSectors":880,                   <ClientSocket
        "WriteTime":254,                            Total="1"
        "IOProgress":0,                             Established="0"
        "IOTime":189,                               Connected="0"
        "IOWeightedTime":380                        Closed="0"/>
      }                                       <TCPSocket
    ]                                               Established="30"
  },                                                Timewait="2"
  "ServerSocket":                                   Orphan="0"
  {                                                 Alloc="0"
    "Total":42,                                     Mem="20"/>
    "Established":1,                          <EQ>0</EQ>
    "Accepted":0,                             <RQ>1000000</RQ>
    "Closed":0                                <WaitingFiles2Write>0</WaitingFiles2Write>
  },                                          <ServiceAccess Allow="60" Deny="2"/>
  "ClientSocket":                             <SystemLoadAverage Min1="0" Min5="0" Min15="0"/>
  {                                           <URLRewrite>57</URLRewrite>
    "Total":1,                              </System>
  "ServiceAccess":{"Allow":60, "Deny":2}
  • CPU (unit: 0.01%) CPU usage. Total CPU usage can be calculated by Kernel + User.
    • Kernel CPU (Kernel) usage.
    • User CPU (User) usage.
    • Idle Idle CPU.
    • ProcKernel CPU (Kernel) usage by STON.
    • ProcUser CPU (User) usage by STON.
    • Nice Time spent running ‘niced’ user processes.
    • IOWait Time spent waiting for I/O to complete.
    • IRQ Time spent servicing interrupts.
    • SoftIRQ Time spent servicing software interrupts.
    • Steal Time spent while other CPUs are serviced.
  • Mem (unit: bytes) Memory usage.
    • Free Size of free memory in the system.
    • STON Size of memory used by STON.
  • Disk Disk performance stats.
    • Path Disk path.
    • Status Disk status (Normal: normal, Invalid: excluded due to failure, Unmounted: unmounted by administrator).
    • Read The number of successful reads.
    • ReadMerged The number of merged reads.
    • ReadSectors The number of read sectors.
    • ReadTime (unit: ms) The elapsed time per read.
    • Write The number of successful writes.
    • WriteMerged The number of merged writes.
    • WriteSectors The number of written sectors.
    • WriteTime (unit: ms) The elapsed time per write.
    • IOProgress The number of running I/Os.
    • IOTime (unit: ms) The elapsed time per I/O.
    • IOWeightedTime (unit: ms) The elapsed time per I/O (weight applied).
  • ServerSocket Server socket (between client and STON) information.
    • Total The total number of server sockets.
    • Established The number of connected server sockets.
    • Accepted The number of newly connected server sockets.
    • Closed The number of closed server sockets.
  • ClientSocket Client socket (between STON and the origin server) information.
    • Total The total number of client sockets.
    • Established The number of connected client sockets.
    • Connected The number of newly connected client sockets.
    • Closed The number of closed client sockets.
  • TCPSocket TCP status information provided by the system (OS).
    • Established The number of established status TCP connections.
    • Timewait The number of TIME_WAIT status TCP connections.
    • Orphan The number of orphaned TCP connections (not attached to a file handle).
    • Alloc The number of allocated TCP sockets.
    • Mem The amount of memory used by TCP sockets.
  • EQ The number of unprocessed events in the STON Framework.
  • RQ The number of events saved in the recently serviced content reference queue.
  • WaitingFiles2Write The number of disk write pending files.
  • ServiceAccess The number of sockets allowed and denied by ServiceAccess.
  • SystemLoadAverage The 1/5/15 minute average of the System Load Average.
  • URLRewrite The number of successful conversions made by the URL preprocessor.

Virtual Host Statistics

Statistics are provided for each virtual host. There are four types of virtual host statistics: HTTP transfer (per directory), URL bypass, port bypass, and SSL.

"VirtualHost":                               <VirtualHost
[                                                Name=""
  {                                              Uptime="155956"
    "Name":"",                   OriginSession="12"
    "Uptime":155966,                             OriginActiveSession="6"
    "OriginSession":12,                          OriginInbound="106914"
    "OriginActiveSession":6,                     OriginOutbound="3238"
    "OriginInbound":169,                         OriginReqCount="42"
    "OriginOutbound":269,                        OriginResTotalCount="13"
    "OriginReqCount":62,                         OriginResTotalTimeRes="1553"
    "OriginResTotalCount":1,                     OriginResTotalTimeComplete="6630"
    "OriginResTotalTimeRes":3300,                OriginRes2xxCount="1"
    "OriginResTotalTimeComplete":3300,           OriginRes2xxTimeRes="3300"
    "OriginRes2xxCount":0,                       OriginRes2xxTimeComplete="69300"
    "OriginRes2xxTimeRes":0,                     OriginRes3xxCount="12"
    "OriginRes2xxTimeComplete":0,                OriginRes3xxTimeRes="1408"
    "OriginRes3xxCount":1,                       OriginRes3xxTimeComplete="1408"
    "OriginRes3xxTimeRes":3300,                  OriginRes4xxCount="0"
    "OriginRes3xxTimeComplete":3300,             OriginRes4xxTimeRes="0"
    "OriginRes4xxCount":0,                       OriginRes4xxTimeComplete="0"
    "OriginRes4xxTimeRes":0,                     OriginRes5xxCount="0"
    "OriginRes4xxTimeComplete":0,                OriginRes5xxTimeRes="0"
    "OriginRes5xxCount":0,                       OriginRes5xxTimeComplete="0"
    "OriginRes5xxTimeRes":0,                     ClientSession="30"
    "OriginRes5xxTimeComplete":0,                ClientActiveSession="12"
    "ClientSession":26,                          ClientInbound="4113"
    "ClientActiveSession":16,                    ClientOutbound="895937"
    "ClientInbound":13968,                       ClientReqCount="64"
    "ClientOutbound":110398,                     ClientResTotalCount="18"
    "ClientReqCount":152,                        ClientResTotalTimeRes="666"
    "ClientResTotalCount":52,                    ClientResTotalTimeComplete="4377"
    "ClientResTotalTimeRes":94,                  ClientRes2xxCount="10"
    "ClientResTotalTimeComplete":107,            ClientRes2xxTimeRes="1200"
    "ClientRes2xxCount":1,                       ClientRes2xxTimeComplete="7870"
    "ClientRes2xxTimeRes":4700,                  ClientRes3xxCount="8"
    "ClientRes2xxTimeComplete":4800,             ClientRes3xxTimeRes="0"
    "ClientRes3xxCount":51,                      ClientRes3xxTimeComplete="12"
    "ClientRes3xxTimeRes":3,                     ClientRes4xxCount="0"
    "ClientRes3xxTimeComplete":15,               ClientRes4xxTimeRes="0"
    "ClientRes4xxCount":0,                       ClientRes4xxTimeComplete="0"
    "ClientRes4xxTimeRes":0,                     ClientRes5xxCount="0"
    "ClientRes4xxTimeComplete":0,                ClientRes5xxTimeRes="0"
    "ClientRes5xxCount":0,                       ClientRes5xxTimeComplete="0"
    "ClientRes5xxTimeRes":0,                     RequestHitRatio="10000"
    "ClientRes5xxTimeComplete":0,                ByteHitRatio="8806">
    "RequestHitRatio":10000,                   <FileSystem>
    "ByteHitRatio":9984,                         <RequestHitRatio>0</RequestHitRatio>
    "FileSystem":                                <ByteHitRatio>0</ByteHitRatio>
    {                                            <Outbound>0</Outbound>
      "RequestHitRatio":0,                       <Session>0</Session>
      "ByteHitRatio":0,                        </FileSystem>
      "Outbound":0,                            <Memory>784786700</Memory>.
      "Session":0                              <SecuredMemory>0</SecuredMemory>.
    },                                         <Disk> ... </Disk>
    "Memory":785740769,                        <Session> ... </Session>
    "SecuredMemory":0,                         <Dims> ... </Dims>
    "Disk": { ... },                           <Compression> ... </Compression>
    "Session": { ... },                        <File Total="458278" Opened="15" Instance="458292"/>
    "Dims": { ... },                           <Cached> ... </Cached>
    "Compression": { ... },                    <CacheFileEvent> ... </CacheFileEvent>
    "FileTotal":458308,                        <WaitingFiles2Delete>1087593</WaitingFiles2Delete>
    "FileOpened":15,                           <CacheFileEvent Create=\"%u\" Swap=\"%u\" Erase=\"%u\" Purge=\"%u\" Expire=\"%u\" />
    "FileInstance":458320,                     <ClientHttpReqBypass Sum="8100">27</ClientHttpReqBypass>
    "Cached": { ... },                         <ClientHttpReqDenied Sum="400">1</ClientHttpReqDenied>
    "CacheFileEvent": { ... },                 <OriginTraffic> ... </OriginTraffic>
    "WaitingFiles2Delete":1087595,             <PortBypass> ... </PortBypass>
    "ClientHttpReqBypassSum":8100,             <ClientTraffic> ... </ClientTraffic>
    "ClientHttpReqBypass":27,                  <UrlBypass> ... </UrlBypass>
    "ClientHttpReqDeniedSum":400,            </VirtualHost>
    "ClientHttpReqDenied":1,                 <VirtualHost> ... </VirtualHost>
    "OriginTraffic": { ... },                <VirtualHost> ... </VirtualHost>
    "PortBypass": { ... },                   <VirtualHost> ... </VirtualHost>
    "ClientTraffic": { ... },
    "UrlBypass": { ... }



The values will be the same as host statistics from Name to FileSystem.

  • Memory (unit: bytes) The amount of content loaded into memory.
  • SecuredMemory (unit: bytes) The amount of content deleted from memory.
  • Disk Disk information.
  • Session Session information.
  • Dims DIMS conversion statistics.
  • Compression Compression statistics.
  • FileTotal The total number of files.
  • FileOpened The number of opened local files.
  • FileInstance The number of caching files.
  • Cached Caching information.
  • CacheFileEvent A caching file event.
  • WaitingFiles2Delete The number of files pending deletion.
  • ClientHttpReqBypass The number of bypassed client HTTP requests.
  • ClientHttpReqDenied The number of denied HTTP requests.
  • OriginTraffic Origin server traffic statistics.
  • PortBypass Port bypass traffic statistics.
  • ClientTraffic Client traffic statistics.
  • UrlBypass HTTP traffic statistics bypassed to the origin server via URL matching or <BypassNoCacheRequest>.


These statistics are only provided in five-minute increments.

  • ClientHttpReqBypassSum The total number of bypassed HTTP requests.
  • ClientHttpReqDeniedSum The total number of denied HTTP requests.

Disk Statistics

Provides disk statistics used by virtual hosts.

"Disk":                                      <Disk>
{                                              <TotalSize>22003701435</TotalSize>
  "TotalSize":22004057982,                     <Create>1</Create>
  "Create":0,                                  <Open>10</Open>
  "Open":1,                                    <Delete>0</Delete>
  "Delete":0,                                  <ReadCount>9</ReadCount>
  "ReadCount":1,                               <ReadSize>735726</ReadSize>
  "ReadSize":104744,                           <WriteCount>1</WriteCount>
  "WriteCount":0,                              <WriteSize>157145</WriteSize>
  "WriteSize":0,                               <Distribution
  "Distribution":                                U1K="45725"
  {                                              U2K="192523"
    "U1K="45725,                                 U4K="137055"
    "U2K="192523,                                U8K="39740"
    "U4K="137055,                                U16K="13408"
    "U8K="39740,                                 U32K="12303"
    "U16K="13408,                                U64K="11462"
    "U32K="12303,                                U128K="2560"
    "U64K="11462,                                U256K="22"
    "U128K="2560,                                U512K="0"
    "U256K="22,                                  U1M="45725"
    "U512K="0,                                   U2M="192523"
    "U1M="45725,                                 U4M="137055"
    "U2M="192523,                                U8M="39740"
    "U4M="137055,                                U16M="13408"
    "U8M="39740,                                 U32M="12303"
    "U16M="13408,                                U64M="11462"
    "U32M="12303,                                U128M="2560"
    "U64M="11462,                                U256M="22"
    "U128M="2560,                                U512M="0"
    "U256M="22,                                  U1G="0"
    "U512M="0,                                   U2G="0"
    "U1G="0,                                     U4G="0"
    "U2G="0,                                     U8G="0"
    "U4G="0,                                     U16G="0"
    "U8G="0,                                     O16G="0" />
    "U16G":0,                                  </Disk>

  • TotalSize (unit: bytes) The total size of local files.
  • Create The number of created local files.
  • Open The number of opened local files.
  • Delete The number of deleted local files.
  • ReadCount The number of times a local file is read.
  • ReadSize (unit: bytes) The total size of read local files.
  • WriteCount The number of times a local file is written.
  • WriteSize (unit: bytes) The total size of written local files.
  • Distribution Distribution of local files based on size.
    • U1K The number of files under 1 KB.
    • U2K The number of files under 2 KB.
    • U4K The number of files under 4 KB.
    • U8K The number of files under 8 KB.
    • U16K The number of files under 16 KB.
    • U32K The number of files under 32 KB.
    • U64K The number of files under 64 KB.
    • U128K The number of files under 128 KB.
    • U256K The number of files under 256 KB.
    • U512K The number of files under 512 KB.
    • U1M The number of files under 1 MB.
    • U2M The number of files under 2 MB.
    • U4M The number of files under 4 MB.
    • U8M The number of files under 8 MB.
    • U16M The number of files under 16 MB.
    • U32M The number of files under 32 MB.
    • U64M The number of files under 64 MB.
    • U128M The number of files under 128 MB.
    • U256M The number of files under 256 MB.
    • U512M The number of files under 512 MB.
    • U1G The number of files under 1 GB.
    • U2G The number of files under 2 GB.
    • U4G The number of files under 4 GB.
    • U8G The number of files under 8 GB.
    • U16G The number of files under 16 GB.
    • O16G The number of files over 16 GB.

Session Statistics

Provides the session statistics.

"Session":                                   <Session
{                                              Client="30"
  "Client":30,                                 ActiveClient="20"
  "ActiveClient":20,                           Origin="12"
  "Origin":12,                                 ActiveOrigin="7" />
  • Client The number of total HTTP client sessions.
  • ActiveClient The number of transmitting sessions among HTTP clients.
  • Origin The number of total origin server sessions.
  • ActiveOrigin The number of transmitting sessions among origin server sessions.

DIMS Statistics

Provides DIMS performance statistics.

"Dims":                                   <Dims
{                                           Requests="30"
  "Requests": 30,                           Converted="29"
  "Converted": 29,                          Failed="1"
  "Failed": 1,                              AvgSrcSize="1457969"
  "AvgSrcSize": 1457969,                    AvgDestSize="598831"
  "AvgDestSize": 598831,                    AvgTime="34" />
  "AvgTime": 34
  • Requests The number of conversion requests.
  • Converted The number of conversion successes.
  • Failed The number of conversion failures.
  • AvgSrcSize (unit: bytes) The average size of source images.
  • AvgDestSize (unit: bytes) The average size of converted images.
  • AvgTime (unit: ms) The elapsed time for conversion.

Compression Statistics

Provides compression performance statistics.

"Compression":                             <Compression
{                                           Requests="30"
  "Requests": 30,                           Converted="29"
  "Converted": 29,                          Failed="1"
  "Failed": 1,                              AvgSrcSize="1457969"
  "AvgSrcSize": 1457969,                    AvgDestSize="598831"
  "AvgDestSize": 598831,                    AvgTime="34" />
  "AvgTime": 34
  • Requests The number of compression requests.
  • Converted The number of compression statistics.
  • Failed The number of compression failures.
  • AvgSrcSize (unit: bytes) The average size of source files.
  • AvgDestSize (unit: bytes) The average size of compressed files.
  • AvgTime (unit: ms) The elapsed time for compression.

Origin Server Statistics

Provides statistics for the traffic between STON and the origin server.

"OriginTraffic":                             <OriginTraffic>
{                                              <HttpReqCount Sum="600">2</HttpReqCount>
  "HttpReqCountSum":0,                         <HttpReqHeaderSize>3238</HttpReqHeaderSize>
  "HttpReqCount":0,                            <HttpReqBodySize>0</HttpReqBodySize>
  "HttpReqHeaderSize":269,                     <HttpResHeaderSize>2020</HttpResHeaderSize>
  "HttpReqBodySize":0,                         <HttpResBodySize>104894</HttpResBodySize>
  "HttpResHeaderSize":169,                     <Response>
  "HttpResBodySize":0,                           <ResTotal>
  "Response":                                      <Count Sum="8100">13</Count>
  {                                                <Completed Sum="8100">12</Completed>
    "ResTotal":                                    <TimeRes>1553</TimeRes>
    {                                              <TimeComplete>6630</TimeComplete>
      "CountSum":0,                              </ResTotal>
      "Count":1,                                 <Res2xx>
      "CompletedSum":0,                            <Count Sum="8100">1</Count>
      "Completed":1,                               <Completed Sum="8100">1</Completed>
      "TimeRes":3300,                              <TimeRes>3300</TimeRes>
      "TimeComplete":3300                          <TimeComplete>69300</TimeComplete>
    },                                           </Res2xx>
    "Res2xx":                                    <Res3xx>
    {                                              <Count Sum="8100">12</Count>
      "CountSum":0,                                <Completed Sum="8100">11</Completed>
      "Count":0,                                   <TimeRes>1408</TimeRes>
      "CompletedSum":0,                            <TimeComplete>1408</TimeComplete>
      "Completed":0,                             </Res3xx>
      "TimeRes":0,                               <Res4xx>
      "TimeComplete":0                             <Count Sum="8100">0</Count>
    },                                             <Completed Sum="8100">0</Completed>
    "Res3xx":                                      <TimeRes>0</TimeRes>
    {                                              <TimeComplete>0</TimeComplete>
      "CountSum":0,                              </Res4xx>
      "Count":1,                                 <Res5xx>
      "CompletedSum":0,                            <Count Sum="8100">0</Count>
      "Completed":1,                               <Completed Sum="8100">0</Completed>
      "TimeRes":3300,                              <TimeRes>0</TimeRes>
      "TimeComplete":3300                          <TimeComplete>0</TimeComplete>
    },                                           </Res5xx>
    "Res4xx":                                    <ConnectTimeout Sum="8100">0</ConnectTimeout>
    {                                            <ReceiveTimeout Sum="8100">0</ReceiveTimeout>
      "CountSum":0,                              <Close Sum="8100">0</Close>
      "Count":0,                               </Response>
      "CompletedSum":0,                        <Connect>
      "Completed":0,                             <Count>0</Count>
      "TimeRes":0,                               <AvgDNSQueryTime>0</AvgDNSQueryTime>
      "TimeComplete":0                           <AvgConnTime>0</AvgConnTime>
    },                                         </Connect>
    "Res5xx":                                </OriginTraffic>
  • HttpReqCount The number of HTTP requests sent to the origin server.

  • HttpReqHeaderSize (unit: bytes) The size of the HTTP header sent to the origin server.

  • HttpReqBodySize (unit: bytes) The size of the HTTP body sent to the origin server.

  • HttpResHeaderSize (unit: bytes) The size of the HTTP header received by the origin server.

  • HttpResBodySize (unit: bytes) The size of the HTTP body received by the origin server.

  • Response The responses from the origin server.

    • ResXXX The statistics for the type of response (2xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx, total).

      • Count The number of responses.
      • Completed The number of properly transferred HTTP transactions.
      • TimeRes The HTTP response time.
      • TimeComplete The completion time for HTTP transactions.
    • ConnectTimeout The number of connection failures.

    • ReceiveTimeout The number of transmission delays.

    • Close The number of times the origin server closes the socket during transmissions.

  • Connect Origin server connection statistics.

    • Count The number of connections.
    • AvgDNSQueryTime (unit: 0.01 ms) The average DNS query time.
    • AvgConnTime (unit: 0.01 ms) The average connection time (from TCP SYN transmission to TCP SYN ACK reception).


These statistics are only provided in five-minute increments.

  • HttpReqCountSum The total number of HTTP requests.
  • CountSum The total number of HTTP responses.
  • CompletedSum The total number of completed HTTP transactions.
  • ConnectTimeoutSum The total number of origin server connection failures.
  • ReceiveTimeoutSum The total number of origin server transmission delays.
  • CloseSum The total number of connections closed by the origin server.

Port Bypass Statistics

Provides statistics on traffic from <PortBypass>

"PortBypass":                                            <PortBypass SrcPort="1935" DestPost="1935">
[                                                          <Session>0</Session>
  {                                                        <Hit Established="0"
    "SrcPort":1935, "DestPort":1935, "Session":0,               ClientClosed="0"
    "Hit":                                                      OriginClosed="0"
    {                                                           OriginCT="0" />
      "Established":0, "ClientClosed":0,                   <ClientTraffic In="0" Out="0"/>
      "OriginClosed":0, "OriginCT":0                       <OriginTraffic In="0" Out="0"/>
    },                                                   </PortBypass>
    "ClientTraffic": { "In":0, "Out":0 },                <PortBypass SrcPort="1936" DestPost="1936">
    "OriginTraffic": { "In":0, "Out":0 }                   <Session>17</Session>
  },                                                       ...
  {                                                      </PortBypass>
    "SrcPort":1936, "DestPort":1936, "Session":17,
  • SrcPort/DestPort The bypassed STON/origin server port.
  • Session The number of currently connected sessions.
  • Hit Bypass connection statistics.
    • Established The number of established connections.
    • ClientClosed The number of connections closed by clients.
    • OriginClosed The number of connections closed by the origin server.
    • OriginCT The number of origin server connection failures.
  • ClientTraffic (unit: bytes) Client traffic (In=Inbound, Out=Outbound).
  • OriginTraffic (unit: bytes) Origin server traffic (In=Inbound, Out=Outbound).

Client Statistics

Client traffic can be portrayed in Traffic in multiple ways depending on the statistics configuration for each directory. If directory statistics have not been configured, all traffic will be counted as the root (/) directory. If they have been configured, only the root directory and directories with traffic will be displayed.

"ClientTraffic":                             <ClientTraffics Depth="0" Accum="OFF" HttpsTraffic="OFF">
{                                              <TrafficCount>1</TrafficCount>
  "Depth":0,                                   <Traffic RequestHitRatio="0">
  "Accum":"OFF",                                 <Path>/</Path>
  "HttpsTraffic":"OFF",                          <HttpReqCount Sum="0">0</HttpReqCount>
  "TrafficCount":1,                              <HttpReqHeaderSize>4113</HttpReqHeaderSize>
  "Traffic":                                     <HttpReqBodySize>0</HttpReqBodySize>
  [                                              <HttpResHeaderSize>3066</HttpResHeaderSize>
    {                                            <HttpResBodySize>892871</HttpResBodySize>
      "RequestHitRatio" : 9984,                  <Response>
      "Path":"/",                                  <ResTotal>
      "HttpReqCountSum":0,                           <Count Sum="0">18</Count>
      "HttpReqCount":100,                            <Completed Sum="0">18</Completed>
      "HttpReqHeaderSize":13968,                     <TimeRes>666</TimeRes>
      "HttpReqBodySize":0,                           <TimeComplete>4377</TimeComplete>
      "HttpResHeaderSize":5654,                    </ResTotal>
      "HttpResBodySize":104744,                    <Res2xx>
      "Response":                                    <Count Sum="0">10</Count>
      {                                              <Completed Sum="0">10</Completed>
        "ResTotal":                                  <TimeRes>1200</TimeRes>
        {                                            <TimeComplete>7870</TimeComplete>
          "CountSum":0,                            </Res2xx>
          "Count":52,                              <Res3xx>
          "CompletedSum":0,                          <Count Sum="0">8</Count>
          "Completed":52,                            <Completed Sum="0">8</Completed>
          "TimeRes":94,                              <TimeRes>0</TimeRes>
          "TimeComplete":107                         <TimeComplete>12</TimeComplete>
        },                                         </Res3xx>
        "Res2xx":                                  <Res4xx>
        {                                            <Count Sum="0">0</Count>
          "CountSum":0,                              <Completed Sum="0">0</Completed>
          "Count":1,                                 <TimeRes>0</TimeRes>
          "CompletedSum":0,                          <TimeComplete>0</TimeComplete>
          "Completed":1,                           </Res4xx>
          "TimeRes":4700,                          <Res5xx>
          "TimeComplete":4800                        <Count Sum="0">0</Count>
        },                                           <Completed Sum="0">0</Completed>
        "Res3xx":                                    <TimeRes>0</TimeRes>
        {                                            <TimeComplete>0</TimeComplete>
          "CountSum":0,                            </Res5xx>
          "Count":51,                            </Response>
          "CompletedSum":0,                      <SSL RecvSize="0" SendSize="0"/>
          "Completed":51,                        <RequestHit
          "TimeRes":3,                             TCP_NONE="0"
          "TimeComplete":15                        TCP_HIT="0"
        },                                         TCP_IMS_HIT="0"
        "Res4xx":                                  TCP_REFRESH_HIT="0"
        {                                          TCP_REF_FAIL_HIT="0"
          "CountSum":0,                            TCP_NEGATIVE_HIT="0"
          "Count":0,                               TCP_REDIRECT_HIT="0"
          "CompletedSum":0,                        TCP_MISS="0"
          "Completed":0,                           TCP_REFRESH_MISS="0"
          "TimeRes":0,                             TCP_CLIENT_REFRESH_MISS="0"
          "TimeComplete":0                         TCP_DENIED="0"
        },                                         TCP_ERROR="0"/>
        "Res5xx":                                <RequestHitSum
        {                                          TCP_NONE="0"
          "CountSum":0,                            TCP_HIT="0"
          "Count":0,                               TCP_IMS_HIT="0"
          "CompletedSum":0,                        TCP_REFRESH_HIT="0"
          "Completed":0,                           TCP_REF_FAIL_HIT="0"
          "TimeRes":0,                             TCP_NEGATIVE_HIT="0"
          "TimeComplete":0                         TCP_REDIRECT_HIT="0"
        }                                          TCP_MISS="0"
      },                                           TCP_REFRESH_MISS="0"
      "SSL":                                       TCP_CLIENT_REFRESH_MISS="0"
      {                                            TCP_DENIED="0"
        "RecvSize":0,                              TCP_ERROR="0"/>
        "SendSize":0                           </Traffic>
      },                                       <FileSystem>
      "RequestHit":                              <GetAttr
      {                                            TimeRes="0"
        "TCP_NONE":0,                              FileCount="0"
        "TCP_HIT":0,                               DirCount="0"
        "TCP_IMS_HIT":0,                           FailCount="0">0</GetAttr>
        "TCP_REFRESH_HIT":0,                     <Open TimeRes="0">0</Open>
        "TCP_REF_FAIL_HIT":0,                    <Read
        "TCP_NEGATIVE_HIT":0,                      TimeRes="0"
        "TCP_REDIRECT_HIT":0,                      BufferSize="0"
        "TCP_MISS":0,                              BufferFilled="0">0</Read>
        "TCP_REFRESH_MISS":0,                    <RequestHit
        "TCP_CLIENT_REFRESH_MISS":0,               TCP_NONE="0"
        "TCP_DENIED":0,                            TCP_HIT="0"
        "TCP_ERROR":0                              TCP_IMS_HIT="0"
      },                                           TCP_REFRESH_HIT="0"
      "RequestHitSum":                             TCP_REF_FAIL_HIT="0"
      {                                            TCP_NEGATIVE_HIT="0"
        "TCP_NONE":0,                              TCP_REDIRECT_HIT="0"
        "TCP_HIT":0,                               TCP_MISS="0"
        "TCP_IMS_HIT":0,                           TCP_REFRESH_MISS="0"
        "TCP_REFRESH_HIT":0,                       TCP_CLIENT_REFRESH_MISS="0"
        "TCP_REF_FAIL_HIT":0,                      TCP_DENIED="0"
        "TCP_NEGATIVE_HIT":0,                      TCP_ERROR="0"/>
        "TCP_REDIRECT_HIT":0,                    <RequestHitSum
        "TCP_MISS":0,                              TCP_NONE="0"
        "TCP_REFRESH_MISS":0,                      TCP_HIT="0"
        "TCP_CLIENT_REFRESH_MISS":0,               TCP_IMS_HIT="0"
        "TCP_DENIED":0,                            TCP_REFRESH_HIT="0"
        "TCP_ERROR":0                              TCP_REF_FAIL_HIT="0"
      },                                           TCP_NEGATIVE_HIT="0"
      "FileSystem":                                TCP_REDIRECT_HIT="0"
      {                                            TCP_MISS="0"
        "GetAttr" :                                TCP_REFRESH_MISS="0"
        {                                          TCP_CLIENT_REFRESH_MISS="0"
          "TimeRes" : 0,                           TCP_DENIED="0"
          "FileCount" : 0,                         TCP_ERROR="0"/>
          "DirCount" : 0,                      </FileSystem>
          "FailCount" : 0,                   </ClientTraffics>
          "TotalCount" : 0
        "Open" :
          "TimeRes" : 0,
          "Count" : 0
        "Read" :
          "TimeRes" : 0,
          "BufferSize" : 0,
          "BufferFilled" : 0,
          "Count" : 0
  • Depth The directory depth for statistics to be collected.
  • Accum Whether or not directory statistics are accumulated in parent directories.
  • HttpsTraffic Whether or not HTTPS traffic is included in HTTP traffic.
  • TrafficCount The aggregated traffic count.
  • Traffic Statistics for each directory. The root (/) always has traffic.
    • Path The service directory.
    • HttpReqCount (unit: bytes) The number of HTTP requests sent by clients.
    • HttpReqHeaderSize (unit: bytes) The size of HTTP request headers sent by clients.
    • HttpReqBodySize (unit: bytes) The size of HTTP request bodies sent by clients.
    • HttpResHeaderSize (unit: bytes) The size of HTTP response headers sent by STON.
    • HttpResBodySize (unit: bytes) The size of HTTP response bodies sent by STON.
    • Response Responses sent by STON.
      • Count The number of responses.
      • Completed The number of properly completed HTTP transactions.
      • TimeRes The HTTP response time.
      • TimeComplete The HTTP transaction completion time.
  • SSL (unit: bytes) HTTPS traffic (RecvSize=received size, SendSize=transmitted size).
  • RequestHit The cache HIT result.
  • FileSystem FileSystem access.
    • GetAttr The getattr function call count and response time (FileCount: File response, DirCount: Dir response, FailCount: failure response).
    • Open The open function call count and response time.
    • Read The read function call count, response time, requested size (BufferSize), and response size (BufferFilled).
    • RequestHit (File I/O access) The cache HIT result.


These statistics are only provided in five-minute increments.

  • HttpReqCountSum The total number of HTTP requests.
  • CountSum The total number of HTTP responses.
  • CompletedSum The total number of completed HTTP transactions.
  • RequestHitSum The cache HIT result.


View is a method that ties multiple virtual hosts into one to extract statistics. The concept came from viewing multiple tables as one table in a database. As shown below, the setup is very simple.

# vhosts.xml

  <Vhost> ... </Vhost>
  <Vhost> ... </Vhost>
  ... (omitted) ...
  <View Name="SK">
  <View Name="KT">
  <View Name="LG">

View can even be set up with virtual hosts that don’t exist. The following are the formats that View provides statistics in.

-  Realtime XML/JSON
-  SNMP - cache( ~ 12

Let’s explore an example where View can be used. Say there are three administrators running communities for their favorite sports:,, and

# vhosts.xml

  <Vhost Name=""> ... </Vhost>
  <Vhost Name=""> ... </Vhost>
  <Vhost Name=""> ... </Vhost>

They decide to come together to open a combined sports community service, choosing as the domain name to encompass all the different sports. The objectives that must be met by the development/management team are as follows.

  • The combined service must be provided through
  • The existing domains and services must be maintained for the existing users.
  • The development teams must be combined. The management teams must be combined.
  • Only the home page should be developed, connecting to existing services via links.

To realistically meet these demands, the development team decides to specify the existing domains as part of the first directory, as shown below.

# Existing services

# Combined service

This can easily be configured using the URL preprocessor.

# vhosts.xml

  <Vhost Name=""> ... </Vhost>
  <Vhost Name=""> ... </Vhost>
  <Vhost Name=""> ... </Vhost>

The newly merged management team must now monitor not only their individual services but also the combined service (e.g. traffic, session, response codes). Most administrators familiar with SNMP will set up View to obtain these combined statistics.

# vhosts.xml

   <Vhost Name=""> ... </Vhost>
   <Vhost Name=""> ... </Vhost>
   <Vhost Name=""> ... </Vhost>
   <View Name="">

As seen in the above example, the combination of URL Rewrite and View can effectively tie existing sites together into a single service.

View Statistics

Provides statistics identical to the virtual host statistics, with the only difference being the names of the tags, as shown below.

"View":                                  <View ...>
[                                           ...
  { ... },                               </View>
  { ... },                               <View> ... </View>
]                                        <View> ... </View>

Checking the Virtual Host List

The virtual host list can be checked.

The results are returned in JSON format.

    "version": "2.0.0",
    "method": "vhostslist",
    "status": "OK",
    "result": [ "","", "" ]

Caching Information

The status of files being cached can be monitored. Generally, files can be distinguished by URLs, but if the same URL can have different options (e.g. Accept-Encoding), then there may also be multiple files.

The results are returned in JSON format. The following is the result of looking up the information of a /sample.dat file.

    "version": "2.0.0",
    "method": "fileinfo",
    "status": "OK",
            "URI": "/sample.dat",
            "Accept-Encoding": "N",
            "RefCount": 0,
            "Disk-Index": 0,
            "Size": 2100267,
            "FID": 24267,
            "LocalPath": "/cache1/",
            "File-Opened ": "N",
            "File-Updating": "-",
            "Downloader-Count": "0",
            "LastAccess": "[ 2012.09.03 14:29:50, -2 ]",
            "UpdateTime": "[ 2012.09.03 13:53:43, -2169 ]",
            "TTL-Left": "[ 2012.10.03 13:53:43, 2589831 ]",
            "ResponseCode": 200,
            "ContentType": "text/plain",
            "LastModifiedTime": "[ 2010.11.22 20:31:47, -56224685 ]",
            "ExpireTime": "[ 0, 0 ]",
            "CacheControl": "not-specified",
            "ETag": "502dd614:200c2b",
            "CustomTTL": 0,
            "NoMoreExist": "N",
            "LocalFileExist": "Y",
            "SmallFile": "N",
            "State": "Cached",
            "Deleted": "N",
            "AddedSize": "Y",
            "TransferEncoding": "N",
            "Compression": "-",
            "Purge": "N",
            "Ignore-IMS ": "N",
            "Redirect-Location ": "-",
            "Content-Disposition ": "-",
            "NoCache": "N"
  • URI The file URI.
  • Accept-Encoding (“Y” or “N”) “Y” if Accept-Encoding is supported.
  • RefCount The file reference count.
  • Size (bytes) The file size.
  • Disk-Index (starts from 0) The saved disk index.
  • FID The file ID.
  • LocalPath The local path.
  • File-Opened (“Y” or “N”) “Y” if a local file is opened.
  • File-Updating Specifies the pointer to the updated object if a file is being updated.
  • Downloader-Count The number of sessions downloading this file from the origin server.
  • LastAccess (last accessed time, last accessed time - current time) [ 2012.09.03 14:29:50, -2 ] would mean that the file was last accessed 2 seconds before the current time, on 2012.09.03 14:29:50.
  • UpdateTime (modified time, modified time - current time) The last time the file was modified. A 304 Not Modified response also updates the time.
  • TTL-Left (expiration time, expiration time - current time) The time left until the content expires. The value is positive if there is still TTL left, and negative if already expired.
  • ResponseCode The origin server response code.
  • ContentType The MIME Type.
  • LastModifiedTime (Last Modified Time, Last Modified Time - current time) The Last Modified Time sent by the origin server. If the origin server did not send this value, it will return zero.
  • ExpireTime (Expire Time, Expire Time - current time) The Expire Time sent by the origin server. If the origin server did not send this value, it will return zero.
  • CacheControl (“no-cache” or “not-specified” or an integer) The Cache-Control value sent by the origin server.
  • ETag The ETag created by STON.
  • CustomTTL Custom TTL. If not configured, zero is returned.
  • NoMoreExist (“Y” or “N”) “Y” if file is pending deletion.
  • LocalFileExist (“Y” or “N”) “Y” if the file exists locally (files not 200 OK are always “Y”).
  • SmallFile (“Y” or “N”) “Y” is the file is considered a small file (for development purposes).
  • State (“Not Init” or “Cached” or “Error”) The file status.
  • Deleted (“Y” or “N”) “Y” if the file is deleted (for development purposes).
  • AddedSize (“Y” or “N”) “Y” if the size is reflected in the statistics (for development purposes).
  • TransferEncoding (“Y” or “N”) “Y” if Transfer-Encoding is supported.
  • Compression The compression method.
  • Purge (“Y” or “N”) “Y” if purged.
  • Ignore-IMS (“Y” or “N”) “Y” if not configured to send an If-Modified-Since header during updates.
  • Redirect-Location The Location header value.
  • Content-Disposition The Content-Disposition header value.
  • NoCache (“Y” or “N”) “Y” if the origin server responds with no-cache.

Log Trace

Receives the log in real time while it’s being recorded. Access, Origin, and Monitoring logs must specify a virtual host.